Gaining Clarity For Your Life with Benjamin Lundquist - 04

Earlier this year, I hosted a one-day free Clarity Conference where I invited some friends of mine to speak for free to my followers on Facebook and Youtube.  One of the guests is my friend Benjamin Lundquist, he is a speaker, a leader, and a podcaster himself. He shared a powerful message for us leaders in that free live clarity conference. If you were not able to watch the free live event, this is your chance to hear the powerful message that Benjamin has shared there for us. If you were able to watch the free live event, this is another way to consume the content while driving on your way home, while you are cooking a meal for your family, or maybe playing this in the background while finishing computer work in your office.  Key Takeaway: Benjamin Lundquist's story on how God used his pain and turn it into purpose. Your career can complement your calling, but your career cannot contain your calling? Your calling is what you do with your life with the unique gifts and abilities that you have to make your impact on the world. Find out how you match your career with your calling. Align your calling to your career, not your career to your calling.


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